An intense 2-DAY IN-HOUSE to rapidly get founders and senior executives build successful teams in volatility and uncertainty
# Tells you what people you need and where to find them
# Takes you out of trainer and micromanager mode!
# Teaches your team to make sound decisions, without you needing to be present all the time
# Gets you ready to scale!
# Covers transparent communication in the virtual world
# Aligns your team, including millennials, around your strategic or business issue
It compresses potentially months of work into two days. You get a coach, trainer, and advisor all rolled into one.
You get to bring your real work to the session so you experience my tools while getting your actual work done.
Every DreamTeam Hackathon:
Gives you a 5-point plan for recruiting and leading the exact hires that your business needs today, delivering immediate results the minute the hackathon concludes.
These 2 days are not days away from work. You will bring your business case to the hackathon so the actual work gets done while you learn new ways of doing it!
You’ll be learning and applying that learning at the same time.
It’s no longer enough to have a team, you need to have the right team. DreamTeam Hackathons are the fastest no-nonsense and fun way to find and nurture the right hires, align your team – including the remote part and your millennials, structure delegation, and radically improve team autonomy in a way that empowers both leader and team.
Don’t invest months of time, invest 2 days.
Clients love DreamTeam Hackathons because they replace guesswork, poorly spent budgets, office politics, and frustration with real, tangible progress towards trusting and scaling your business.
The DreamTeam Hackathon is essentially a 2-DAY intense IN-HOUSE to help you find hires who solve problems for you!
Once you have a tangible system to find, nurture and lead the right hires, and organize delegation and alignment, making decisions becomes a lot easier. You could use five extra 1-day IN-HOUSES and five 2-hour LIVE ONLINE sessions to learn the 5 Keys To Successfully Navigate Vuca, getting you and your team ready to move to the next level.
Additional 1:1 sessions for the leader are available too.
Working with Sonsoles, you are plugging your company into a well-seasoned high performer, ensemble player and entrepreneur who thrived in the uncertain Dutch arts. A modern Dutch artist is both a performer on the stage, and a producer off the stage, acquiring funding, hiring personnel and developing strategies to perform around the globe.
Sonsoles has 17 years of experience working with transdisciplinary ensembles of artists and software developers, using tech and gamified visual notation to promote clear delegation and nurture team autonomy in the Netherlands.
An ensemble and a HIGH PERFORMING DREAM TEAM are the same. Sonsoles teaches you the secrets of collaboration that Dutch artists have been using for decades, helping you become influential in your business with a new paradigm of modern leadership and collaboration, using systemic tools and serious games.
And did you know Sonsoles is one of a handful of team development consultants worldwide to get certified in healthy power use?